Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 1: A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Ok, actually it is day 2. I did absolutely nothing yesterday. Although, I had developed a plot before the hallmark of November 1st, so that counts for something...doesn't it? But I am still behind where I should be on my word count and am hoping that inspiration will begin to flow more freely in the coming days to make up for the deficit

My day when something like this:

9:00 am: Rolled these old bones out of bed and ate breakfast. Ah, and yes, I still have that nasty little cold.

10:00-ish am: Started my home-school routine with daughter. Today was the Masters of Classical Music Day and work on her Young Writers NAPOWRIMO project. (She commanders the computer)

1:00 pm: Lunch. Uninspired Pasta. Drank forgotten coffee from this morning.

2:30 pm: Cessation of Class

3:00 pm: Dropped daughter off at ballet. (This is when I hope to get some writing done)

3:30 pm -6:00 pm:  Commence to Write

7:00 pm: Dance pick-up while contemplating further writing.

7:15 pm: Fast Food Snack ( because apparently all the candy from Halloween just hasn't been enough!)

7:30 pm: Decide to write this blog. Further procrastination, a bunch of babble. 

7:40 pm: Remember that Fringe is on tonight and am guessing the rest of the night will be a bust.

Right now....

I am hoping that the weekend will promise more time and/or motivation. Also, realizing that this post's word count is an assault against the energy I should have expended on my novel. Hoping for better things tomorrow!

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